November 13, 2023 I Barcelona – OneMindNG participates, as a Dell Technologies "Edge Certified Partner”, in the prominent Dell Technologies & NVIDIA booth presenting its new version of its platform
October 15, 2023, Barcelona – The OneMind Technologies team has launched a rebranding and a new website that reflects the work done to make the Hypervisor IoT solution simpler and smarter.
From 7 to 9 November 2023, OneMindNG participated in the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, the world’s largest and most influential event on urban innovation, which this year welcomed 25,300 attendees and 1,106 exhibitors from more than 800 cities.
Invited by its partner Dell Technologies, the OneMindNG team took advantage of this magnificent setting to present the new version of its IoT platform: OneMindNG Polar Version.
This new version of the technological solution is a nod to centuries of star explorers. OneMindNG Polar Version promises to be a guiding star for companies and organisations looking to navigate a complex and data-rich world with simplicity and intelligence.
OneMindNG’s commitment is to return to the simple, to the Smart, that’s why OneMindNG Polar, the new version of its IoT platform, places its users as orchestrators of their systems, so that with Smart data, they can make Smart decisions that lead to Smart operations.
On the words of Stéphane Eyme, OneMindNG CEO, “we are delighted to see our partnership with Dell becoming increasingly strong, our recent recognition as an Edge Certified Partner is testament to this, resulting in more traction in the market and generating more joint business opportunities. Our presence at the spectacular Dell Technologies’ Booth this year is another significant milestone that has allowed us to promote our OneMindng Smart Orchestrator to top level organizations in the public and private sector.”

At the prominent Dell Technologies & NVIDIA booth, visitors were treated to live demos via a large touchscreen, guided by the OneMindNG’s sales team. They had the opportunity to discover the enhanced user experience, with a new UI/UX to make their on-screen environment more intelligent, and new features that make it easier to manage and associate data.
Delighted to see how OneMindNG Polar Version has attracted a lot of interest from visitors from all over the world. It clearly reflects the interest in the digitisation of cities and the value of implementing an IoT hypervisor solution.
OneMindNG closes this successful event with the recognition as “Edge Certified Partner” of Dell Technologies, thus confirming the confidence in its technological solution –and in its continuous improvement through the new OneMindNG Polar Version– and in the development of innovative projects to move cities towards a better future.
About OneMindNG I OneMind Technologies SL
About Affluence Corporation
Affluence Corporation (AFFU.PK) is a diversified technology company focused on smart city software and innovative cloud solutions that capitalize on IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and 5G technologies. We are investing in mid-market businesses to create a cohesive unit that brings together technology for the next generation of the internet.